Nearly 417,000 cheques worth TND 3.5 billion rejected in 2023 (BCT)

The Central Bank of Tunisia (BCT) recorded 25.27 million cheques presented in 2023, for a total amount of around 123.9 billion dinars (+4.6%), according to the payment newsletter published by the issuing institution on Tuesday. However, almost 417,000 cheques, or 1.65% were rejected. The total value of these cheques was 3.5 billion dinars. The document also shows that more than 191,000 mobile payment transactions were made in 2023, compared to 44,000 the previous year. These transactions mobilised a budget of 48.4 million dinars, nine times more than in 2022 (5.4 MD). According to the Central Bank of Tunisia, this amount was mainly used for payments (73%), while withdrawals and transfers accounted for only 16% and 11% of the total, respectively. The issuing institution also reported an increase in the number of acceptance points. By 31 December 2023, there was 3,207 ATMs (+5.5% compared to 2022), 35.3 thousand EFTPOS terminals (+7.4%) and 7,053 thousand bankcards (+7.2%). At the end of 2023, there were 1 ,256 active merchant sites. The BCT data also showed a significant increase of 42% in both the number of e-payment transactions, to 17.8 million, and the value of these transactions (from 831 million dinars in 2022 to 1184 million dinars in 2023). Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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