National Bar Association calls for respecting lawyers’ role in defending rights and freedoms

Tunis: The Board of the Tunisian Bar Association urged the President of the Republic to take "all necessary legal measures to guarantee the respect for lawyers' mission in defending rights and freedoms in Tunisia.' Meeting on Wednesday, the Board urged the Head of State to hold a dialogue with the various bodies of the legal profession, reads a statement of the Bar Association. The Bar Association denounced the two interventions of the security forces which occurred in the Lawyers' House, to arrest two lawyers (Sonia Dahmani and Mehdi Zagrouba). 'What happened is an assault on lawyers. This is a violation against international laws and charters and also a serious escalation,' the same source said. The Board of the Bar Association castigated what it described as 'incitement campaigns against lawyers and attempts to justify the attacks carried out in the Lawyers' House,' the same source added. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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