Monitoring progress on partnership programmes between Ministry of Employment and AFD

Monitoring the implementation of partnership programmes in the field of employment and vocational training took centre stage at a meeting held on Tuesday between Employment and Vocational Training Minister Lotfi Dhieb and a delegation from the French Development Agency (AFD). The meeting focused on monitoring the progress of partnership programmes with AFD, such as the "New Chance" project, the Support Programme for Professional Training and Integration (PAFIP) and the ACJEMP project (Accompagnement et Coaching des Jeunes et renforcement de leur Employabilité), according to a ministry press release on Wednesday. The minister underlined the need to speed up the implementation of these projects and programmes, to meet deadlines and to overcome all difficulties, underlining the importance of the "New Chance" project, which targets young people aged between 18 and 30, without diplomas or qualifications, in the governorates of Kairouan and Sousse, and aims to help them return to work. AFD Director for Tunisia Y azid Safir commended the level and quality of cooperation with the ministry, reaffirming the agency's willingness to provide further support for the department's work programme and strategic orientations. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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