Mohamed Hamdi kept free

Political activist Mohamed Hamdi has been kept free after his hearing on Friday by the Bouchoucha Anti-Terrorist Investigation Squad, as part of the so-called conspiracy against State security, his lawyer Ayachi Hammami said.

The latter pointed out to TAP that Hamdi had appeared on Friday before the investigating judge at the Anti-Terrorist Investigation Squad, as part of a letter rogatory involving more than 23 people.

For his part, Mohamed Hamdi reaffirmed in a statement to TAP, that he had been heard in the so-called case of conspiracy against State security, asserted to the investigating judge that his meetings with political activists had been part of exchanges on public affairs.

Mohamed Hamdi, a former leader of the Democratic Current party, announced on Thursday that he had received a summons to appear on Friday before the Bouchoucha Terrorist Crimes Investigation Brigade.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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