Minister of Transport and Minister of Cultural Affairs dismissed by President [Upd 1]

President Kais Saied, on Tuesday, decided to dismiss Minister of Transport Rabie Majidi and Minister of Cultural Affairs Hayat Ketat Guermazi, according to a statement issued by the Presidency of the Republic. The President of the Republic appointed Minister of Public Works and Housing, Sara Zanzari Zaafarani, to temporarily head the Ministry of Transport, and Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Moncef Boukthir, to temporarily head the Ministry of Culture. On January 24, 2024, President Kais Saied appointed Feryel Ouerghi as Minister of Economy and Planning and Fatma Thabet Chiboub as Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy. He also appointed Lotfi Dhiab as Minister of Employment and Vocational Training, Samir Abdelhafidh as Secretary of State to the Minister of Economy and Planning for Small and Medium Enterprises, Wael Chouchane as Secretary of State to the Minister of Industry, Mines and Energy for Energy Transition, and Riadh Chaoued as Secretary of State to the Minister of Employment and Vocational Training for Communitarian Enterprises. On January 30, 2023, Saied appointed Mohamed Ali Boughdiri as Minister of Education, replacing Fethi Slaouti, and Abdelmonem Belati as Minister of Agriculture, Water Resources and Fisheries, replacing Mahmoud Elias Hamza, according to a brief statement from the Presidency of the Republic. The cabinet reshuffle and the appointment of Boughdiri and Belati is the second of its kind after the President of the Republic terminated the duties of former Trade Minister Fadhila Rabhi on January 7, 2023, in the first reshuffle of the government since its composition was announced in October 2021. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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