Medenine: Two dead and 35 poisoned after consuming homemade alcohol

Two people died and 35 others were poisoned on Saturday in the delegation of Sidi Makhlouf (Médenine governorate) after consuming home-made alcohol. The victims were taken to the local hospital in Sidi Makhlouf, the university hospital in Médenine and the local hospital in Zarzis. Two of the victims were admitted to intensive care, Samir Marzouk, the local health director in Medenine, told TAP. The same source pointed out that 3 of the cases referred to the Medenine University Hospital had undergone dialysis, adding that the hospitals in Zarzis, Djerba and Tataouine had been put on alert for possible admissions to intensive care. Faced with a situation that is likely to escalate, a crisis unit has been set up at Medenine University Hospital and the local hospital in Sidi Makhlouf to improve coordination between the parties involved, with the region's ambulances fully mobilised. According to a source at the Sidi Makhlouf hospital, new cases continue to arrive, including patients in critical condition with symptoms of severe stomach and throat pain, hypoglycaemia, low blood pressure and visual complications. The age of most of those poisoned varies between 20 and 40. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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