Loroum/Reconquest of the national territory: Two emissaries of the President of Faso encourage the population of Titao

Ouagadougou: The Minister of Economy and Finance, Dr. Aboubacar Nacanabo and the Minister in charge of Secondary Education, Aboubacar Savadogo, were in Titao on Friday, August 31, 2024 to encourage the resilience efforts of the populations but also to gather the concerns of the moment. Dr Aboubacar Nacanabo and Dr Aboubacar Savadogo, set foot on the soil of Titao early in the morning of Friday, August 30, 2024. The ministers in charge of Finance and that of Secondary Education paid a courtesy visit to the head of Titao and spoke with members of the constituted bodies and the Defense and Security Forces (FDS). The course was then set for the Titao city hall where the province's vital forces were waiting. The delegation spent several hours talking with representatives of the community components in Titao. "We expressed our concerns to the government delegation and proposed possible solutions. These include strengthening the security system in Titao, including training and equipping volunteers for the defen se of the homeland and opening the Titao-Ouahigouya road," said the Chief of Titao, Naaba Wadga. He was pleased to welcome the delegation because according to him, they came to join them in finding solutions to our problems. For the 2nd vice-president of the special delegation of Titao, Oumarou Dialla, the first concern of the locality is insecurity and the second is access to basic necessities. "We hope that the government will help us with the liberation of the Titao-Ouahigouya axis and also strengthen the health and education sectors," he said. The Minister in charge of Secondary Education responded favorably to the support of community teachers. The government delegation called on the people to maintain unity and cohesion in the face of evil men. The ministers further reassured the active forces of Titao to transmit their concerns to the President of Faso. "We praised Titao's resilience. They are harassed every day by armed terrorist groups but they are holding firm. We noted all the concerns, part icularly those related to the installation of the Rapid Intervention Brigade (BIR) of Titao and the liberation of the road or the frequency of convoys. All these concerns will be submitted to the President of Faso," stressed Aboubacar Savadogo. The delegation also went to talk and salute the courage of the FDS. Source: Burkina Information Agency

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