Local workshop in Sfax on education systrem reform

Participants at the local workshop on the reform of the education system held in Sfax on Saturday agreed that the education and teaching sectors need not only reform, but also a new vision in line with our times and a qualitative change at several levels. The workshop was organised by the national office of the Tunisian Education and Family Organisation (OTEF). The education process requires a new approach and fundamental reforms, particularly in terms of infrastructure, school hours, curriculum and budget, OTEF President Mahmoud Meftah told TAP. He stressed the need to increase the budget allocated to the Ministry of Education to 20% of the national budget in order to implement fundamental reforms in the education sector, noting that 90% of the ministry's budget is earmarked for salaries. The participants in this workshop, who came from Sfax, Gabes, Médenine, Tataouine, Kébili, Gafsa and Tozeur, were divided into five groups and put forward proposals relating to the five axes of the national consultation on the reform of the education sector. These are: early childhood education and family protection; curriculum, assessment system and school hours; coordination and complementarity between education, vocational training and higher education; quality of teaching and digital technology; and equal opportunities and lifelong learning.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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