Local elections/Sfax: campaign underway in Menzel Chaker and Jbeniana

Abdessalem Echi, candidate for the "El Achech" imada (Meskel Chaker delegation), and Islah Ben Fekih, candidate for the "Batria" imada (Jbeniana delegation), made direct contact with citizens on Sunday to present their programmes. Echi wants to open a subsidised feed shop for farmers, pave agricultural roads, set up a local hospital, provide public transport for students and locals and find solutions for unemployed young people. For his part, Ben Fekih pledged to pave tracks in the historic and archaeological area of Batria, renovate the primary school in the El Mredsa area and remove rubbish from the beaches in coordination with the local community. He also promised to build a primary health centre in El Ajmi. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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