Local elections: registration details of 10,500 voters updated so far

Election registration details of some 10,500 voters in Ariana had been updated until October 7, said head of regional election authority office Jamel Jarboui. The second phase of the updating process will be running till October 21. A third phase will be announced subsequently, he added. The first stage was held on September 26 through October 3. Preliminary voter lists are made available for the general public on October 6-8 at the seat of the regional authority for elections (French: IRIE). Challenges are filed on October 7-8 and submitted for consideration by the IRIE on October 9-10. Final decisions will be announced on October 11 at the latest. The updating process is underway in 48 constituencies with the participation of 166 permanent and mobile staff members. Thirty offices were set up in Ariana city, Raoued, Ettadhamen, Mnihla, Soukra, Kaalet El Andalous and Sidi Thabet.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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