Local elections: organic law defining prerogatives of local councils required ( ISIE spokesperson) [Upd 1]

An organic law which sets out the prerogatives of local councils needs to be developed, said Spokesperson for the Independent High Authority for Elections (French : ISIE) Mohamed Tlili Mansri. There is no legal void, though, considering the law in force ( law No. 87 of July 26, 1994) on the creation of local development councils and the organic law No. 29 of May 9, 2018, on the local communities code, the official spokesperson further told TAP following a news conference held by the election commission on Wesdnesday evening to announce the preliminary results of December 24 elections. The perogatives of the National Council of Regions and Districts - a second parliamentary chamber- and scope of action are set forth in the Constitution (from Article 81 to 86) but an organic law is needed for the remaining local councils. "There is still enough time for the parliament to pass such a law," the spokesperson said, as these councils will start their work in April. Several civil society organisations, including Al-Bawsala and Youth Without Borders, called for developing a piece of legislation to define the tasks and prerogatives of local councils. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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