Local elections: Election campaign underway in Siliana

The election campaign for the December 24 local council elections is underway in all regions of the Siliana governorate. Talking to citizens, candidate Mokdad Boughara for the Sayar (Makthar) constituency, on Sunday promised that he would work to improve conditions in schools at all levels, boost the agricultural sector, increase women's economic empowerment, combat unemployment, encourage private investment and guarantee the availability of medicines at the local hospital in Makthar. Meanwhile, candidate for the North Makthar constituency Nabil Marzouki pledged in a statement to TAP, that he would work on upgrading infrastructure, laying drainage channels and managing rainwater in the Touaylia and Nahala neighbourhoods, developing the craft district at Stade 2 neighbourhood for the benefit of small craftsmen, and establishing an industrial area at Sakrana. The candidate also undertook to increase the number of beneficiaries of social assistance and to strive to generate employment for higher education gr aduates and encourage them to create their own projects by facilitating their access to credit. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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