Local elections/Carthage plage-Tunis II: Candidate Mohamed Sondessi promises to boost tourism

Candidate for the electoral constituency "Carthage Plage" for the local council of Carthage, Mohamed Sondessi, pledged to provide all necessary conditions to guarantee a peaceful life in the region. He told TAP that his electoral programme is mainly based on encouraging the electorate to vote on election day. He promised to boost tourism in the region and promote archaeological and historical sites. His electoral programme also includes the creation of a small industrial area. The «Carthage Plage» constituency has three candidates. The Carthage delegation covers an area of 7,774 km2 representing 2.69% of the entire area of the governorate of Tunis. It has 26,267 inhabitants and is divided into 6 electoral districts, El Yasmina, Amilcar, Cité Mohamed Ali, Sidi Bousaid, Carthage Plage and Carthage Byrsa. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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