Local elections campaign: 9,800 activities reported till Dec.18 (Mansri)

The number of local election campaign activities reported up to December 18 by the Independent High Authority for Elections (ISIE) stands at 9,800, said ISIE Spokersperson Mohamed Tlili Mansri. The number of activities had risen considerably compared with the first few days of the election campaign during which the ISIE had recorded only few dozen activities, he told TAP on Friday. Mansri further specified that Sidi Bouzid governorate has reported the highest number of activities. The ISIE recorded 120 offences, including 25 related to social media and 5 to candidates, he added, indicating that all of them had been referred to the Public Prosecutor's office. The number of candidates with disabilities who will be selected by sortition, stands at 1028, Mansri said. One of them will be selected on the polling day, December 24, he added. The preliminary results of the sortition will be officially announced on December 27. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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