Labor Day: National Council of Regions and Districts expresses commitment to its constitutional mission

Tunis: The National Council of Regions and Districts expressed commitment to carry out its constitutional mission at best stipulated in the 2022 Constitution which calls for ensuring justice between categories and regions as well as achieving sustainable development. In a statement issued on the occasion of the Labor Day, observed each year on May 1, the Council reiterated that the commemoration of this day is a sign of resistance against injustice and persecution which have resulted in human tragedies, wars and spoiling nations' wealth. The Council called on all workers around the world to raise their voices loud and clear to end the genocidal war waged by the Zionist entity against innocent civilians. The Council urged «all workers of the world to raise their voices loudly in order to stop the genocidal war waged by the Zionist entity against children, women and the elderly.» Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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