Justice Ministry seeks to achieve “paperless” objective

The strategic plan for the digitalisation of the justice system (2023-2025) aims to establish a digital justice system and achieve a "paperless" objective by improving digital systems and reducing legal delays for litigants, said Elyes Miledi, advisor in charge of the digital transition programme at the Ministry of Justice. The use of new digital technologies brings greater efficiency to the judicial service and makes it possible to simplify legal procedures, he stressed at the Technology Forum organised on Wednesday by The Hague Institute for Legal Innovation in cooperation with the Prime Ministry and the Tunisian National Bar Association. The Technology Forum aims to establish partnerships between the Ministry of Justice and technology start-ups. Miledi noted that the Ministry of Justice is working to connect all courts to the integrated computer network and to introduce electronic signatures. The ministry is also preparing to launch a digital platform that will allow the exchange of civil status docum ents between the courts and the parties concerned, as well as the holding of remote hearings, he added. The Justice Ministry official pointed out that the use of new technologies for access to justice is part of the implementation of the Government Decree of October 5, 2020 on the electronic exchange of data. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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