July 2023, hottest month on record (INM)

July 2023 was the hottest month recorded in Tunisia since 1950. The average temperature of 32.6°C recorded at the 27 main stations was higher than the reference average (28.6°C) for the period 1991-2020, with a significant difference of +4°C, according to the monthly climatological bulletin published on Friday by the National Meteorological Institute (INM).

This difference makes July 2023 the hottest month of July ever. Even on a global scale, it was the hottest month ever recorded on Earth, according to data from the European agency "COPERNICUS".

Average temperatures were higher than the reference averages (1991-2020) in all regions, ranging from 29.5°C in Kélibia to 37.5°C in Tozeur.

Average maximum temperatures were also higher than the reference averages in all regions, ranging from 32.6°C in Mahdia to 44.6°C in Tozeur. The average maximum temperature reached 39.8°C, higher than the reference average for the same stations (35.3°C), with a significant difference of +4.5°C.

The national average minimum temperature reached 25.3°C, exceeding the reference average

(21.9°C) by +3.5°C. Minimum temperatures ranged from 22.4°C in El Kef to 30.3°C in Tozeur.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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