Judicial measures to be taken following prisoner transport van collision

Six prisoners, who were admitted to Boussalem hospital in Jendouba governorate after a road accident on Saturday, have left the hospital after receiving the necessary medical treatment, said Ramzi Kouki, spokesperson for the General Committee of Prisons and Rehabilitation. The accident, which took place in the town of Erroumani in the Boussalem delegation, involved a collision between a vehicle carrying six prisoners on their way to Jendouba prison and a light truck carrying three people. The driver of the prisoner transport vehicle and his companions immediately contacted the civil defence and the competent security authorities after the accident, Kouki told TAP. A four-year-old child died from injuries sustained in the accident, while the victim's father and sister are in intensive care, local civil defence director Adel Laabidi told a TAP correspondent. The driver of the prisoner transport vehicle was arrested for speeding and endangering life, said Slaheddine Rachdi, prosecutor at the Jendouba court o f first instance. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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