Joint chambers of commerce call for review of investment and exchange codes

The need to review certain laws, including the investment and stock exchange codes, was the focus of a meeting held on Monday between a delegation of officials from the Joint Chambers of Commerce and Industry and Speaker of the Assembly of People's Representatives (ARP), Brahim Bouderbela. The delegation is made up of the presidents of the Council of Joint Chambers (CMM), the Tunisian-French Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CTFCI), the Tunisian-Italian Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Tunisian-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry (AHK). The members of the delegation called for the promotion of an investment-friendly environment that meets development needs, according to a parliamentary statement. They expressed their willingness to cooperate with the Committee and to share their expertise and knowledge in the examination of the proposed new Exchange Code. In this context, they reviewed their proposals to be submitted during the review of the Code. Bouderbela underlined the openness of the Parl iament to different opinions and proposals and stressed that investment issues could be addressed within the framework of the Parliamentary Academy. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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