Italy Sees Ethiopia As Strategic Partner in Horn of Africa: Italy’s Ambassador

Italy sees Ethiopia as its strategic partner in the Horn of Africa and the relations between two countries are growing very high, Italy's Ambassador to Ethiopia, Agostino Palese said.

Ethiopia and Italy have long standing relations in cultural, economic and political fields.

In an exclusive interview with ENA, Italy's Ambassador to Ethiopia, Agostino Palese said Italy sees Ethiopia as its strategic partner in the Horn of Africa. We believe that Ethiopia could play a role in the Horn of Africa.

The ambassador recalled that during Prime Minister Abiy's visit to Italy, PM Abiy Ahmed and PM Meloni signed the new cooperation agreement about 180 million euro which runs from 2023-2025.

“I think the visit of Prime Minister Abiy to Italy was very important and very fruitful. Once again, we reaffirm our very close political views... with our strategic partner in the Horn of Africa, Ethiopia. We exchange political views,” he added.

Italy launched new strategy ‘Piano Mattei’ which seeks energy development in Africa, he said, adding that we want to attract private investment in order to improve the skills and training in many different sectors where Italy is one of the best countries in the world.

Regarding to development activities in Ethiopia, I have seen many improvements, the ambassador said, adding that we will work together in different spheres, particularly in the bank sector.

“We have to continue to work because if Ethiopia is to attract investment and to have more reform economic agenda, I understand it takes time, but the only way is to go forward and specially in the bank system and on custom,” he said.

The ambassador added: “we tried to bring here the best Italian technologies and the best Italian skills. As I said before, we could have mutual benefits for both countries in order to use for example, clean energy, we can transfer our skills and our training in many sectors.... agro industrial, modern technologies, all the things regarding green area like renewable resources, we are in the forefront in the world, so we can help Ethiopia in this and could have a mutual benefits even for our entrepreneur to come here and may be to invest here “

The ambassador stressed to further strengthen the relations between the two countries for mutual respect and benefits.

We respect the country's policy autonomy, share common interest and should work on national and regional issues, the ambassador said.

"So we are going to deepen relation not only in economic sector, but also on regional integration where Ethiopia could play very significant role,” he noted.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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