Int’l Community Urged to Participate In Cultivating “Generation Medemer” Book

Press Secretary at the Office of the Prime Minister, Billene Seyoum called on the the international community based in Addis Ababa to have an active part through various institutional interventions towards cultivating “Generation Medemer.”

The English version of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed’s newest book ‘Generation Medemer’ was introduced to the international community residing in Addis Ababa in an event jointly hosted by the Office of the Prime Minister and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs last night in Addis Ababa.

The event has also brought together members of the business community and high level government officials in addition to the diplomatic communities in Addis Ababa.

Recall ''Generation Medemer", which is the third series of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's book, was launched last Saturday.

Speaking at the event, the press secretary said that through cultivating the culture of reading, the Medemer books series have also prioritized development projects.

The press secretary pointed out that the prime minister has encouraged the proceeds of the sales for constructions of various legacy and generation projects such as the stadiums, libraries and parks as well as the renovation of natural and historic tourist attractions in various parts of the country.

Therefore, Billene called on the diplomatic and international organizations based in Addis Ababa to support the development of the projects for the coming generation.

“To realize the prosperous development of Ethiopia, we ask you our invited guests to take an active part through your various institutional interventions towards cultivating 'Generation Medemer'. This Generation will take the nation and the continent to greater heights.”

She further stated that: “We ask you to order the book in bulk. By doing so you are placing your print in supporting the development projects for the coming generation and you are also enabling augmenting a reading culture.”

Foreign Affairs State Minister Mesganu Arga said on his part that the book is aimed at forging intergenerational linkages by debunking the erroneous perceptions and narratives.

Nothing that the Medemer concept can be loosely translated as "synergy", Mesganu noted that it focuses on Ethiopia's tapestry of rich heritage while working in unison for its prosperous future.

“Medemer is a new framework of political thought that provides a perspective about our past and insights into our future. The framework aims to heal our wounds, cure our ailments and resolve our problems,” the state minister underlined.

He also said that the book would promote national consensus, peace and development through ensuring good governance. Above all, the book is instrumental in entrenching the importance of national dialogue and transitional justice to Ethiopia, Mesganu revealed.

Dr. Mehret Debebe, President of the African Leadership Excellence Academy (AFLEX) presented a book review and said the book aspires to create a new generation that loves Ethiopia, Africa and the global community.

“The book aspires to create a new generation called ‘Generation Medemer’ that loves the nation and the continent and the global community as well,” he stated.

Mehret, who is also a well-known practicing psychiatrist and an author of two books underscored that Prime Minister Abiy in his "Generation Medemer" book shows the importance of alignment energies to build a strong nation.

Prime Minister Abiy had published two books titled "Medemer" and the "Medemer Journey."

This latest series, "Generation Medemer", third series of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed's book, is published in the Amharic, Afan Oromo, and English languages.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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