Interior Ministry visit: Saïed calls for increasing efforts to fight all types of crimes and corruption

Tunis: President of the Republic, Kaïs Saïed, visited the Interior Ministry, on Tuesday, and he met with minister, Kamel Feki as well as with other senior security officials. The Head of State urged security officials to fight all types of crimes and "apply the law to everyone fairly and without any exception." President Saïed stressed the need to dismantle lobbies who have infiltrated several administrative structures across the country. «Officials who fail to fulfill their duties towards citizens have no place within Tunisian administrations,» he indicated, calling for combating corruption. The Head of State criticized "those who pretend to be patriotic while supporting foreign forces." «Some of them get even support from the Zionists,» he said, calling for applying the provisions of Article 60 of the Criminal Code. The President of the Republic added that «Tunisia's independence is not a mere signed document but one of the greatest responsibilities.» He pointed out that «remote colonialism is no les s perilous than direct colonialism.» By the end of his meeting with senior security officials, President Saïed recalled that «Tunisia faces major challenges which should be overcome.» Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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