Integrated Natural Resource Dev’t, Green Legacy Initiative Critical for Success of LT-LEDS, DPM Says

The Green Legacy Initiative and integrated natural resource development being implemented in Ethiopia are critical to the success of the country's Long Term Low Emission Development Strategy (LT-LEDS), Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Affairs Minister, Demeke Mekonnen said.

The launching ceremony of Ethiopia’s LT-LEDS was held today in the presence of higher government officials, key development partners, funding agencies, diplomatic corps and climate change advocates among others.

Speaking at the occasion, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen said climate change is changing its nature and expanding its scope, challenging the existence of human beings.

He pointed out that Ethiopia has experienced one of the worst droughts in the last 40 years, which has had a negative impact on its overall economic development.

Demeke stated the fact that climate change continues to drastically affect the livelihoods of people by inducing drought and ecological imbalance, among others.

Therefore, the government has actively participating in the international agreements and discussions to deal with the impact of climate change and activated the climate policy and green development strategy, he noted.

Ethiopia’s projects such as the Green Legacy Initiative (GLI) and capitalising of renewable energy sources, which Ethiopia is endowed with, are part and parcel of the climate agenda, Demeke added.

He said, through the GLI Ethiopia is conducting “Green Diplomacy” in East Africa and wants to further expand the engagement at continental level.

“The green legacy initiative that has been implemented over the past four years with the active involvement and participation of the general public was one of the best achievements of Ethiopia. We have secured a lot of positive results. We have been making huge preparations to repeat this achievement in the upcoming rainy season too.”

Minister of Planning and Development, Fitsum Assefa said on her part that if implemented as designed, the LT-LEDS will benefit Ethiopia as 66 percent higher GDP will be ensured in 2050 compared to the business as usual and over 865 thousand additional green jobs will be created every year.

She added that some 200 million tone of crop losses will be prevented and 41 billion USD average saving will be earned from energy costs among others.

In general, she said it will help to ensure sustainable development and make Ethiopia and a symbol of Africa.

The total investment requirements of the LT-LEDS actions estimated to be at least around 157 billion USD and Ethiopia requires financial and technical support to implement and requested the internal community for support.

It is to be to be recalled that the government of Ethiopia showcased the LT-LEDS strategy at the COP27 hosted in Sharm El-sheikh, Egypt from November6-20 2022 in the presence of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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