Independence Day: Various political parties issue statements about Tunisia’s status quo

Tunis: On the 68th anniversary of the Independence Day, various political parties paid tribute to the martyrs of the national movement who sacrificed their lives for Tunisia's independence and building the national state. They also expressed their positions on the current situation in the country. In a statement released on Wednesday, the Free Constitutional Party (PDL) called on Tunisian citizens to stay united and «not engage in a policy of division» in order to preserve the prestige of the State, its sovereignty, and the independence of its national decision-making. On the other hand, the party deplored the unprecedented dire socio-economic and financial situation Tunisia has been going through, saying that «it has plunged Tunisians into misery similar to the one they were facing before the independence.» The PDL underlined that «we have come to this situation because of the absence of a clear reform policy as well as the lack of rational, transparent and effective governance of State institutions.» T he PDL added that «Tunisia is facing a political lockdown which jeopardizes the legitimacy of the next presidential electoral campaign,» criticizing in particular the restrictions on freedoms, the prevalence of injustice as well as the continued violations of the law. Ennahdha party pointed out that «the Independence Day is a major historic event in Tunisia. It reminds us of the dire need to revive national unity, fight against tyranny and restore the freedom and dignity of our people who have fought very hard, from generation to generation, to obtain them.» The Tunisian National Coalition Party said that «it is fully aware of the serious challenges Tunisia is facing,» expressing «confidence in the potential of the Tunisian people who could make more achievements.» The party reiterated its call for an inclusive dialogue to be held as a tribute to the martyrs of the homeland and to show commitment to the goals of the Tunisian Revolution. It also urged relevant authorities to release all political detainees , stressing the need to hold a national dialogue in a bid to help Tunisia overcome its current political crisis. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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