Implementation of national disaster risk reduction strategy requires funding of around TND 550 million, says PM

The implementation of the national strategy of Disaster Risk Reduction (2018-2030) requires funding in the order of TND 550 million, said Prime Minister Ahmed Hachani. Speaking at the opening of the Arab-African Conference on Science and Technology for Disaster Risk Reduction, held in Tunis on October 2 and 3, he added, in a speech read out by Minister of the Environment, Leila Chikhaoui, that in order to achieve this objective, Tunisia has already started implementing the Integrated Programme for Disaster Resilience with a budget of TND 360 million. He went on to say that "this programme aims to strengthen institutional coordination for the management of climate and disaster risks through the creation of a national platform for disaster risk reduction and the installation of an early warning system". The Prime Minister reiterated the importance of working together in solidarity to support international efforts to protect human lives, property and infrastructure in accordance with the goals and guidelines of the Sendai Framework for Action for Disaster Risk Reduction for 2015. He noted that the conference, entitled 'Towards a Resilient Future: Science, Technology, Policy and Private Sector Nexus for Disaster Risk Reduction,' coincides with recent painful events in Syria and Morocco (earthquakes), Libya (floods) and the forest fires in Mediterranean countries this summer. He called for greater international solidarity to support the reconstruction of these affected areas. Hachani also stressed that this meeting was part of Tunisia's ongoing efforts to reduce disaster risks, both nationally and internationally, since it signed up to the Hyogo Framework for Action (2005-2015) and the Sendai Framework (2015-2030). "Tunisia is considered a country that is highly vulnerable to climate change and disasters due to its geographical location," he pointed out. He added that Tunisia had hosted in October 2018 the Arab-African Forum on Disaster Risk Reduction, which led to the drafting of the Tunis Declaration on Disaster Risk Reduction, as well as a joint declaration on strengthening Afro-Western cooperation to reduce disaster risks. Following the organisation of this event, the National Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction 2023-2018 was included among the five chapters of the National Strategy for Ecological Transition adopted on February 3, 2023. The aim of the forum was to set priorities for action in the next period. The results of this work will be used at the 28th session of the Conference of the Parties (COP28). The aim is to mobilise more of the actors and resources needed to combat the effects of climate change. The work of the Forum should culminate in the Tunis Declaration, which calls on Arab and African countries to do more to address the challenges of climate change. The Forum's programme included scientific lectures that discussed the challenges and opportunities in the relationship between science, policy and the private sector in addressing the risks of disasters. Participants examined the contribution of the private sector in strengthening the fight against disaster risks, while integrating science. On Tuesday, October3 , participants will examine issues related to investing in disaster risk reduction to build resilience and improve levels of disaster preparedness, as well as strengthening governance to improve its management.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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