High-Level Dialogue on Investment in Electricity, Infrastructure Dev’t in Africa To Be Held in Addis

A High-Level Public-Private Dialogue on private sector investment in electricity and infrastructure development in Africa will take place next week in Addis Ababa.

The high level meeting, organized by the Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) in collaboration with RES4Africa Foundation will be held from 28- 30 March 2023, in Addis Ababa.

The High-Level Public-Private Dialogue will gather private and public stakeholders supporting the development of Africa’s infrastructure and engage in policy dialogue on what is needed to advance Africa’s electricity sector reform agenda and ensure adequate investments flows towards this sector, according to ECA.

The Dialogue will be the opportunity to discuss the main findings from the UNECA and RES4Africa supported national electricity market regulatory reviews.

It is also expected to trigger forward-looking conversation about how policy and regulatory environments can ensure adequate openness, attractiveness and readiness of African electricity markets to crowd-in private investments and deliver on Agenda 2063 and SDG-7 targets.

RES4Africa (Renewable Energy Solutions for Africa) is a Foundation that works in support of Africa’s just energy transition in order to achieve the SDG7, ensuring access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all.

It functions as a bridge between Europe and Africa: gathering a network of members from all over the clean energy sector from both continents and high-level international partnerships.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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