Habib Bourguiba Avenue revives on Independence Day after removal of barriers

Tunis: Traffic resumed Wednesday on the entire Habib Bourguiba Avenue in Tunis following the decision to remove the barriers and barbed wire around the Interior Ministry headquarters. The move coincides with Independence Day celebrations. Interior Minister Kamel Feki told reporters on Habib Bourguiba Avenue on Tuesday that "the removal of the barriers is the demand of all Tunisians," noting that Tunisia's security situation and the need to guard against terrorist acts had required the Interior Ministry to take these precautions. "Today, the road is closed to these terrorists and Habib Bourguiba Avenue has regained its usual momentum, pending the opening of all the places that have restricted the movement of Tunisians and prevented the use of sidewalks and vital areas," he said. The Tunisian flag that adorns the Ministry of the Interior seems to have regained its brightness today, inviting joy and signalling the departure of the terrorist threat, one of the passers-by told the TAP correspondent. During th is month of Ramadan, the regulars of the avenue celebrated the removal of the barriers, wires and security reinforcements deployed on Habib Bourguiba Avenue, which has regained its status as a vital artery and open space for all pedestrians, vehicles, cyclists and shop owners on both sides of the avenue. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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