Grain harvest in Manouba at 96% complete

Manouba: Over 96% of the area sown to grain, i.e. 34,000 hectares, has been harvested in the governorate of Manouba, where grain production up to Monday July 2 amounted to 456.7 thousand quintals. So far, 182.730 thousand quintals (over 38%) of this crop has been transported to the region's collection centres, including 136 thousand quintals of durum wheat, 13 thousand quintals of common wheat and 31 thousand quintals of barley. Some 128 combine harvesters have been supplied for the harvesting season, along with 160 balers, 23,000 wheat collection bags and 97 tonnes of wire for hay bales. The region counts 5 collection centres with a storage capacity of over 200,000 quintals. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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