Gov’t Working to Provide Humanitarian Aid to 6.6 Million People in Coming 3 Months

The government of Ethiopia is working hard to provide humanitarian aid in collaboration with partners to 6.6 million people in the coming three months, National Disaster Risk Management Commission disclosed. Briefing the media today, National Disaster Risk Management Commissioner Shiferaw Telekemariam said the extreme weather events are constantly bringing unprecedented new phenomena and affected many people. He elaborated that the government has been delivering humanitarian aid to the people that have been affected by drought, conflicts and flooding in some parts of Ethiopia. Moreover, he added that over 15 billion Birr worth of humanitarian assistance delivered in three rounds to people in need across the country. Recently, Ethiopia has witnessed drought, in some part of the country as a result of continued climate-induced effects. Despite severe resource constraints and operational difficulties, the Ethiopian government and humanitarians are stepping up life-saving efforts in the most affected areas. Close to 4 million and 1.5 million people have been affected by drought and floods respectively, which need urgent food assistance, Shiferaw added. On other hand, commissioner stated that the government is working hard to provide humanitarian aid to 6.6 million people in the coming three months in collaboration with partners. The Commissioner also calls up humanitarian agencies and partners to scale up their support. According to a joint statement issued on Tuesday by the Ethiopian Disaster Risk Management Commission and the UN Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator on current humanitarian situation in Ethiopia, drought-affected regions, including Afar, Amhara, Tigray, Oromia, Southern, and Southwest, require urgent food assistance. The statement noted over three rounds of food distributions at least once between July and December 2023; between May and November, the Ethiopian government reached at least 7.3 million people. Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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