Gafsa : Grain harvest estimated at 150,000 quintals (CRDA)

Gafsa: The 2023-2024 grain production in Gafsa governorate is etimated at 150,000 quintals, up by nearly 60,000 quintals compared to last season. The harvest kicked off Monday in Gafsa with 25 combine harvesters being put to work in a bid to increase this number as the harvest progresses, head of the plant production department at the Regional Agricultural Development Authority (French: CRDA) Abdelsattar Ghabtan told TAP. The Gafsa Grain Office, which has a harvesting capacity of 100,000 quintals, has opened its warehouses for the storage of grain production as it has increased significantly this year, he added. The most productive areas for wheat in Gafsa are located in the Sidi Aish, North Gafsa, South Gafsa, Sened, Zanouch, El Ksar, Belkhir, Sidi Boubacar, Metlaoui and Redeyef delegation, he indicated, pointing out that the area sown with durum wheat in the region covers 3,400 hectares, irrigated with a production rate of around 45 quintals/ha. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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