Full re-opening of Ras Jedir border crossing postponed until Monday (Libyan Interior Ministry)

Medenine: The full reopening of the Ras Jedir border crossing from the Libyan side has been postponed to Monday, June 24, pending the completion of certain procedures, the Libyan Interior Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday. Movement at the crossing will continue to be limited to humanitarian, medical and diplomatic emergencies, as the crossing has been partially reopened since last Thursday in accordance with a Tunisian-Libyan agreement signed by the two countries' interior ministers on Wednesday. The agreement provides for the gradual reopening of the crossing, which has been closed since March by a Libyan decision, and the resumption of normal activity on Thursday, June 20, for travellers in both directions. A Tunisian security source said that the Ras Jedir crossing continues to ensure the passage of emergency and diplomatic cases from the Tunisian side, without interfering in the decision to reopen all or part of the crossing, just as it did not interfere in the decision to close it last March. I t confirmed that it had received no information on the Libyan side's decision to postpone the resumption of the crossing's activities from Thursday to Monday. The Ras Jedir crossing was due to return to normal on Thursday in the presence of the Tunisian and Libyan interior ministers. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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