FTDES calls on EU to immediately stop forced and illegal repatriation of migrants

The Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights (FTDES) on Wednesday called on the European Union to immediately stop collective repatriation operations against migrants and to respect their dignity and rights, regardless of their administrative status. The FTDES expressed in a statement, its indignation at the repetition of the same degrading practices towards migrants, and its concern at the fate of those deported at the borders, particularly women and children, in difficult humanitarian conditions and in the absence of care and food. It also pointed out the illegitimacy of forced repatriation, emphasising that everyone has the right to contest their return and to know the reasons for their arrest on an individual basis. The FTDES renewed its call for a humanitarian response to the crisis created by European policies and the lack of a national migration policy that respects rights. The press release states that the European Union continues to intervene in Tunisia in various ways to serve its interest s and protect its borders, through various programmes that are difficult to monitor. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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