From Innovation to Creation programme officially launched in Tunisia (IACE)

The From Innovation to Creation programme was officially launched on Wednesday at a webinar, organised by the Arab Institute of Business Leaders (IACE) dubbed "Ways of supporting start-ups in Tunisia." "The From Innovation to Creation programme strengthens innovation through supporting cluster cooperation and start-up ecosystems in the South Neighbourhood countries. Through a 4-year programme financed by the European Union, SPARK is strengthening innovation and startup ecosystems, together with two of its strategic partners, IACE (based in Tunisia) and Ruwwad (based in Jordan), and its local implementation partners in Palestine (Flow, Intersect, PICTI, Station J, Technopark, UCASTI), Jordan (TTI), Lebanon (Injaz, LLWB, The Nawaya Network) and Tunisia," according to SPARK official website. "The programme aims to support and sustain innovative initiatives by young entrepreneurs, start-ups and project initiators, to empower the stakeholders in the start-up ecosystem and to develop the legal and judicial framework in this field," said Programmes Manager at the IACE Amira Akacha. She added that the success of this programme will depend on the motivation and involvement of young entrepreneurs on the one hand, and decision-makers and representatives of the relevant national institutions on the other. "The programme offers young people (aged between 18 and 35) in the governorates of Greater Tunis, Kebili and Tozeur, an opportunity for training, monitoring and coaching to help them set up or manage their projects more effectively," explained Deputy Managing Director of Taysir Microfinance Itidal Chaari. Any young promoters or bearers of ideas in the field of new technologies, or in innovative and sustainable economic and social activities, are eligible for this programme. "As a partner in the From Innovation to Creation programme, Taysir micro-finance continues to support young entrepreneurs in the different regions of the country, to help them succeed in their projects," said Chaari, pointing out that his organisation has more than 30,000 customers, most of whom are young people or women working in the country's interior regions. Programme Manager at The Dot Safa Majdoub recalled the key role played by the various players in boosting the entrepreneurial ecosystem in Tunisia, remarking that The Dot is the first digital innovation hub to offer a place for sharing and coworking, bringing together technology players, digital operators, start-ups and public players in a single location. "This space, set up in 2021, offers accommodation, support and free training to young Tunisian talent. To date, it has provided services to more than 300 start-ups, offering them over 380 hours of coaching," she specified. However, she underlined the need to pool efforts to reduce the difficulties faced by young entrepreneurs, notably the slowness and complexity of administrative procedures. SPARK is present in 14 countries in the Middle East, North Africa and sub-Saharan Africa. It provides opportunities for young people, women and refugees in particular, to work and develop their businesses within their fragile communities.

Source: EN - Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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