Foreign Minister welcomes African Union’s membership in G-20

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar, on Thursday, welcomed the accession of the African Union to the G-20. Speaking at the 44th session of the Executive Council of the African Union on the modalities of the African Union's participation and priorities in the Group of Twenty (G-20), Nabil Ammar said that "the African Union's membership of the G-20 reflects the continent's place in the global economy," according to a press release from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The minister also underlined "the importance of active participation in the G-20 discussions to promote the continent's interests and achieve its growth, well-being and development goals, in line with the strategic priorities of Agenda 2063 and the aspirations of African countries and peoples for a new international economic order and a fairer, more inclusive and sustainable financial governance, keeping pace with human development and in response to current challenges". He also stressed that "the scarcity o f finance, despite its enormous global availability, raises the puzzling question of the reality of the international commitment to an effective global financial system that takes into account the needs of developing countries and their aspirations for economic recovery," according to the same source. In this context, he called for "developing countries to be allowed to formulate their national policies freely, not only to enable them to catch up with the developed countries, but also to help them to fulfil their commitments to their peoples". He also called for the benefits of Brazil's current presidency of the G-20, as "one of the countries of the South with which African countries share a number of priorities, such as energy transition and food security." The African Union's membership of the G-20 would help "strengthen Africa's voice on the world stage,' he stressed. The Foreign Minister is leading the Tunisian delegation at the 44th session of the Executive Council of the African Union on February 14 and 15, as part of the preparations for the 37th session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the African Union, which will be held on February 17 and 18. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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