FM holds meetings as part of working visit in Geneva, Switzerland

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar, met on Monday with Director-General of the International Labour Organisation, Gilbert Houngbo, and the Director-General of the United Nations Office at Geneva, Tatiana Valovaya, as part of his working visit to Geneva, Switzerland, from December 11 to 14. The discussions focused on issues related to development goals and the achievement of social justice, according to separate statements issued by the Ministry. The FM highlighted the excellent cooperation relations between Tunisia and the UN organisations and agencies in Geneva. He welcomed the efforts made by the Director-General to further strengthen this cooperation, particularly through her support for the event on "success stories" of Tunisian women in the context of the SDGs, which will be organised in Tunisia in 2024, in coordination with the Ministry of Family, Women, Children and the Elderly. He also reiterated Tunisia's continued commitment to respecting the Charter of the United Nations and the principles of international law, stressing the desire to strengthen cooperation with the UN through the consolidation of peace and security in the world. He underlined Tunisia's repeated calls, at the highest levels of the State, for an approach based on international solidarity, justice and multilateralism in order to face global challenges together. The Minister also recalled Tunisia's commitment to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda, through the translation of the SDGs into public policies and actions on the ground. For her part, Valovaya stressed the importance of supporting Tunisia's efforts in various fields, especially in the implementation of the SDGs, and thanked the country for its active role within the UN organisations and agencies in Geneva. During his meeting with the Director-General of the ILO, the FM stressed that Tunisia has adopted and implemented several strategies and reforms in recent years, which ultimately aim at achieving and restoring social justice, cit ing in particular the example of the establishment of communitarian enterprises. He also recalled the priority given by the President of the Republic to ensuring social justice in discussions and negotiations with international financial institutions. In this context, he reiterated Tunisia's support for the Houngbo initiative "Global Coalition for Social Justice" and its determination to contribute actively to it. For his part, the ILO Director-General thanked Tunisia for its support for his Global Coalition for Social Justice initiative and commended the Tunisian government's efforts to advance the social agenda. In this regard, he underlined the Organisation's readiness to continue its support to Tunisia, particularly in favour of the creation of decent jobs, the strengthening of the resilience of SMEs and start-ups, and local development. Minister Nabil Ammar took the opportunity of the meeting to express his indignation at the international community's silence and inaction in the face of the war crim es being committed in Palestine and urged the Organisation to respond, within the framework of its mandate, to the needs of the Palestinian people. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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