Financing of election campaigns and litigation before Court of Auditors, theme of meeting in Tunis

The financing of electoral campaigns and litigation before the Court of Auditors was the subject of a training workshop held Wednesday in Tunis, by the League of Tunisian Women Voters (LET) with the assistance of the Danish Center for Research and Information on Gender, Equality and Diversity (KVINFO). took part in this meeting of reflection, elected women of the Assembly of People's Representatives (ARP), former municipal councillors, experts and future candidates in the next electoral process. On the agenda of this women's meeting, there is also the presentation of a guide on litigation in the field of campaign finance and testimonials of some beneficiaries of this training workshop. "The expected objective through this meeting is to strengthen the capacity of women leaders to access decision-making positions," told TAP Turkia Ben Khedher, president of the League of Tunisian Women Voters (LET), an association founded in 2011 after the January 14 revolution. For Ben Khedher, capacity building of women, supervision and promotion of their knowledge especially in terms of legislation is essential to ensure effective participation and equality in political life. This is all the more necessary, that the majority of participants in this workshop are future candidates for the next elections, said Ben Khedher In the political sphere, female participation is rare. However, the candidates have "the merit" to run for election despite the obstacles, said Turkia Ben Khedher, citing as an example, the political violence against women and the new electoral law that has hampered the participation of women in politics. In September 2022, an electoral law was enacted eliminating the principle of parity in elected assemblies in Tunisia. According to women MPs present at this workshop, the current electoral law is a real brake that hinders the participation of women in political life. Other participants deplored the absence of a "gender" law to fight against political violence against women and the restrictions related to public funding of electoral campaigns. "We advocate for legislation that strengthens the financial transparency of political life while preserving the right to public financing of electoral campaigns," the participants told TAP. Gender equality in the legislative reform, the end of political violence against women and the application of law No. 2017-52 are some of the recommendations made by the participants.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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