Exploitation of reseach findings: call of applications to fund innovative projects launched (ministry)

Tunis: The Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research announced the launch of a call for applications to fund the best projects with a developed maturation and a high potential for development and transfer of research findings to industry and society, under a competitive mechanism of Research Findings Valorisation. The proposed projects need to be backed by public higher education and research institutions and/or public scientific research centres and of interest to business partners. They also need to be presented as part of public-private partnership, the ministry said in a press release. The call for applications is designed to support actors of research and innovation at a critical stage of the process of use and transfer of the findings of scientific research in a bid to implement technology solutions which meet social and economic challenges. The aim is also to increase collaboration between research-development-innovation actors in the process of valorisation and transfer, speed up the tr ansfer of innovation (output from research) to the national socioeconomic environment and support the maturation of scientific findings towards the use and/or transfer of knowledge and technologies. The promotion of entrepreneurship and the creation de Start-ups/Spin-offs is also sought. The call for applications targets proposed projects with a high potential of innovation and socioeconomic impact in food security, energy security and renewables, water security, advanced and sustainable materials and circular economy. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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