Experts call for encouraging technological innovation to meet needs of people with disabilities

Experts have called on the authorities to encourage technological innovation so as to meet the needs of people with disabilities. Tunisia brims with young people with the skills to develop technological innovation to help people with disabilities integrate into working life, they added at a scientific meeting on "The Role of Modern Technologies in the Professional and Social Integration of People with Disabilities", held Saturday at the headquarters of the International Centre for the Advancement of People with Disabilities in partnership with the Tunisian Centre for Global Security Studies. Taking the floor, Nizar Salmi, Director of the International Centre for the Advancement of People with Disabilities, said young people need financial and logistical support so as to invest in modern technologies and launch their own projects. He further recalled the previous announcement by the former minister of vocational training and employment of the creation of a technology laboratory within the International Cen tre for the Advancement of People with Disabilities. For his part, Ezzedine Zayani, President of the Tunisian Centre for Global Security Studies, said that there were many technological innovations that could make life easier for people with disabilities, such as applications, touch screens, conversion of written speech into audible speech, voice recognition software, etc. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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