Ethiopia’s Irreplaceable Role in Somalia’s Stability

Addis Ababa: Ethiopia, a landlocked nation situated in the Horn of Africa, has played a pivotal role in regional stability. Its strategic location, historical significance, and economic influence have made it a crucial player in the peace and stability of the region. Despite facing numerous internal and external challenges, Ethiopia has consistently sought to promote peace and stability within its borders and beyond. Ethiopia's historical significance has shaped its role in the region. Its ancient civilization, rich cultural heritage and diversity, and strategic location have made an anchor state for various powers throughout history. This historical context has imbued Ethiopia with a sense of responsibility for regional stability. Among many others, the country has played a significant role in Somalia's stability. Its involvement in combating terrorism, fostering bilateral cooperation, and providing humanitarian assistance has undeniably contributed to Somalia's progress towards stability. Ethiopia has bee n a key player in the fight against extremist groups like Al-Shabaab. Its troops have been instrumental in driving Al-Shabaab out of several key areas of Somalia and have provided crucial support to the Somali National Army, enabling discharge its counterterrorism operations. This has reduced the threat of Al-Shaabab, ushering in better peace and stability in Somalia. A stiff resistance which is being witnessed by some prominent figures in Somalia against the dangerous move and hostility of their government towards Ethiopia is a vivid manifestation of what it has done to the people of Somalia and the government for many decades. Many Somalis believe that the presence of Ethiopian troops has been instrumental in combating Al-Shabaab and maintaining security in the country. They fear that the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops could lead to a resurgence of Al-Shabaab, which has been a significant threat to Somalia's stability and the region as a whole. Many political analysts have also warned that the withdrawal of Ethiopian troops could have grave ramifications to the peace and stability of the region. Of course, Ethiopia has been a major contributor to peacekeeping missions in Africa and beyond. Its troops have served in various UN peacekeeping operations, demonstrating its commitment to global peace and security.The experience of the country's military and its resolve to maintain peace have made it traditionally known for troop contributing country to UN peacekeeping Missions for many decades. As regional peace and stability is in best interest of Ethiopia, it has actively engaged in regional initiatives to address the challenges facing the Horn region, be it infrastructure development, trade and peace building including in Somalia. Ethiopia plays a leading role in the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD), which has been instrumental in mediating conflicts and promoting peace and security of the region. In addition, Ethiopia also provided other assistance to Somalia in the event of difficult times. W hile Ethiopia's role in Somalia has been largely positive, conversely, spreading hatred speech and animosity has been carried out by the government of Somalia against Ethiopia. This is a grave concern. Ethiopia reaffirmed its position that any differences could be resolved through diplomacy and peaceful means. Somalia's move is deeply concerning to the regional peace and stability. The fragile Horn of Africa is facing another geopolitical storm. While Ethiopia is desirous of cementing its ties with Somalia, external forces are trying to sow discord and advance their evil intention through proxy. Ethiopia has played a multifaceted role in regional stability. Its historical significance, geographic location, and commitment to peace and development undertakings have made it a crucial player in the Horn of Africa. The country plays a vital role in promoting regional peace, stability and development based on collaboration and shared interests. This has been a consistent policy of Ethiopia to its neighboring coun tries. Trends which are evolving in Somalia this time around are deeply concerning to the region. Foreign Minister Taye Astke-Selassie described evolving trend in the region as: "Collusion with forces hostile to peace in this region is also short-sighted and counterproductive." "We believe that the well-being and prosperity of our country are closely tied with the peace and development of our neighbours. As the largest country in this region, we do not take lightly the responsibility of protecting the safety and ensuring the destiny of our country, and that of our region," he underscored. Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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