Ethiopia, Russia Plan to Upgrade Joint Ethio-Russian Biological Expedition

Ethiopia and Russia are going to upgrade their joint biological studies with the view to enhancing environmental protection and agricultural productivity, Ambassador Terekhin said.

In this respect, there is a plan to upgrade the Joint Ethio-Russian Biological Expedition which has been carrying out various scientific activities for over 35 years, the ambassador told ENA.

"We are planning to upgrade the joint institute of biological studies by signing inter-governmental agreement between the two countries in a short time."

According to him, scientists of the two countries have made numerous scientific findings and studies in the field.

The ambassador elaborated that the expedition is very variable not only from the point of view of science but also making practical inputs into the development of agriculture and the protection of biodiversity.

Commenting on climate change, Ambassador Terekhin noted that it is not a problem of one separate country.

It is really a global issue which is affecting not only people of certain countries but the human kind as a whole. Therefore, joint effort is essential to overcome problems caused by climate change, he stressed.

"In Ethiopia, we see large-scale Green Legacy campaign, which will help to overcome the challenges of climate changes, especially in the country and the region.’’

Green Legacy campaign is an initiative which needs to be enhanced and followed by other countries of the region, and be supported by developed countries as well since it plays a significant role in overcoming the consequences of global climate change, the ambassador explained.

Of course, different countries use specific mechanisms and the capabilities to protect the environment and to tackle climate change in accordance their geographical location, he added.

The Joint Ethio-Russian Biological Expedition (JERBE) was established on the initiative of academician V.E. Sokolov in 1987, and operates to the present day on the basis of a repeatedly updated agreement on cooperation in the field of biological research between the Russian Academy of Sciences and Ministry of Innovation and Technology of Ethiopia.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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