Ennahdha movement leader Noureddine Bhiri facing investigation

The Indictment Chamber at the Court of Appeal of Tunis decided to refer to the criminal Chamber at the Court of First Instance of Tunis Ennahdha movement leader and former justice minister Noureddine Bhiri, said Spokesperson for the Tunis Court of Appeal Habib Torkhani. Speaking to TAP on Monday, Torkhani underlined that the Tunis Court of Appeal rejected a request for the release of Noureddine Bhiri who is accused, according to him, of "committing an attack aimed at changing the form of government, incite people to arm themselves against each other and spread disorder, murder or pillage on Tunisian territory", under article 72 of the Criminal Code. The decision of the indictment chamber at the Court of Cassation may be the subject of an appeal in cassation within four days from the date of informing the accused, he pointed out. According to article 72 of the Criminal code, the perpetrator of the attack whose aim is to change the form of government, incite people to arm themselves against each other or pr ovoke disorder is punishable by death. , murder or pillage on Tunisian territory. Noureddine Bhiri was arrested on February 13, 2023. The first investigating judge at the Tunis Court of First Instance issued a committal warrant against him. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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