Ennahdha denies any involvement in escape of 5 terrorists from Mornaguia prison

Ennahdha movement denies any involvement in the recent escape of the five terrorists from the Mornaguia Civil Prison, said the party's spokesperson Imed Khemiri on Monday. Taking the floor at a press conference held on Monday, Khemiri pledged that Ennahdha party will prosecute anyone who made up these «groundless» accusations against them. He underlined that these «terrorists» were arrested and sent to jail when Ennahdha was in power. He added that, «that era was marked by great security achievements against the terrorist scourge in the country.» According to him, the detainees' escape raises questions about the capacity of the security apparatus to counter terrorist threats. Authorities must assume their full responsibility to tell the truth to the public opinion, he said. He reiterated that «the ruling power keeps attacking opponents of the July 25 process to divert Tunisian citizens' attention from real issues facing the country.» Khemiri pointed out that «Tunisia is going in the wrong direction», adding that the governments which have succeeded one another, since July 25, 2021, have failed to provide solutions to the various crises facing the country. On the other hand, Ennahdha spokesperson called for the release of political detainees, highlighting that the trials against them are based on «empty files.»

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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