Elections: Ksar Said 2 candidates focus on public services and environmental issues in Imada

The two candidates for the Bardo local council (Imada of Ksar Said 2), Fadi Ben Younes and Rim Khemili, have focused their programmes on promoting the quality of public services. In a statement to TAP, Fadi Ben Younes said he was determined to work to improve the living conditions of local residents, stressing that the points in his programme were inspired by the reality of the area. On the environmental front, the candidate highlighted the need to find a solution to the nagging problem of cleanliness and sanitation in the buildings of Ksar Said 2. A working session with the Société de Promotion des Logements Sociaux (SPROLS) and the Office d'Assainissement is needed to address this issue, he proposed. He also mentioned the harmful spread of insects in the district. Another priority in the candidate's programme is public and private transport, where urgent solutions need to be found to make it easier for residents to get around. In his programme, the candidate also proposes the creation of a multidiscip linary sports association to look after young people and prevent them from getting into trouble. The second candidate, Rim Khemili, focused on caring for disadvantaged families and people with special needs. She promised to look into the issue of free healthcare and work towards opening a local dispensary to bring health services closer to the people of the Imada. On the economic front, the candidate stressed her desire to establish links between local young people and financial institutions to help them access flexible loans to start their own projects. She says she will base her approach on the various programmes and mechanisms contained in the Social Economy Law. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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