Elections-El Omrane supérieur: Candidate Ridha Mejri promises to create citizen cultural company

Local election candidate Ridha Mejri has promised to work as hard as possible to create a cultural and recreational civic enterprise. He said the project will help to find a solution to the problem of unemployment in the district, just as it will help idle young people to escape the spiral of juvenile delinquency. Aged 45 and a technical director in a private company, the candidate told TAP Thursday, if e lected Aged 45 and a technical director in a private company, the candidate told TAP agency Thursday that, if elected, he will work with the local council team to further strengthen control over municipal action, with the aim of making the services provided to citizens more effective and efficient, and ensuring that these services are widely accessible to all neighbourhoods in the El Omrane supérieur district. Candidate Ridha Mejri has also pledged to make every effort to identify ways and means of employing the unemployed, particularly university graduates, and to work towards integrating them into the region's economic circuit through the launch of small and medium-sized projects, so as to help boost development and growth in the region. The electoral district of El Omrane Supérieur has 13 direct candidates and 3 candidates for the seat reserved for people with disabilities (applications subject to a draw). The locality also has a population of 4,8903. Up to the end of November, the number of registered voters was 43,165. The electoral register will continue to be updated on 8 December. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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