Election expenses, private funding ceiling depend on number of voters in each constituency (ISIE)

The presidential decree setting the ceiling on election expenses and the ceiling on private funding will soon be published, after having been submitted to the Independent Higher Authority for the Elections (ISIE) to give its opinion, said ISIE Spokesperson Mohamed Tlili Mnasri. The ceiling of the election expenses will depend on the number of voters in each constituency, he specified. Mnasri explained in a statement to TAP, that the ceiling will be applied as follows: Constituency with up to 1,000 voters: TND 1,000 per 1,000 voters. Constituency with between 2,000 and 5,000 voters: TND 800 per 1,000 voters. Constituency of 5,000 voters and over: TND 600 per 1,000 voters. Private funds and self-financing stipulated by the presidential decree to finance the election campaign, means that the candidates must imperatively use their own resources to fund their campaign in addition to funds from individuals such as relatives and friends, on condition that these funds do not exceed 4/5 of the overall expenditu re ceiling. The ISIE had recently published a set of decisions regarding the campaign for the December 24 local elections, namely, Decision No. 11 setting out the rules for organising the campaign, Decision No. 12 on the funding of election expenses and Decision No. 13 on media coverage of the campaign. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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