Eighth UfM Regional Forum: FM calls for avoiding positions that allow Zionist entity to kill Palestinians

Minister of Foreign Affairs, Migration and Tunisians Abroad, Nabil Ammar, called on Monday to avoid ruminating on the positions that equated the executioner and his victim and allowed the occupying Zionist entity to continue killing and abusing innocent and defenseless civilians in Palestine. In a speech delivered Monday at the eighth Union for the Mediterranean (UfM) Regional Forum held in Barcelona on November 26 and 27, 2023, dedicated to discussing the situation in the Middle East, Ammar stressed that giving back to the Palestinian people their legitimate rights, which do not expire by statute of limitations, is a prerequisite for enhancing the ability of the UfM to achieve its goals. He added that it is no longer possible for the world today to overlook the origin of the conflict and its essence, which remains the issue of occupation, pointing out that the crimes committed in the Gaza Strip and the Occupied Palestinian territories have put the international community and a number of influential forces in front of their responsibilities and the credibility of their slogans of human rights and respect for international charters and laws, especially the right of peoples to self-determination. Ammar stressed, in this context, the failure of the logic of arrogance, force and the approach of excessive violence adopted by the occupying entity to undermine the steadfast determination of the Palestinian people and their clinging to their land, for which more than 15 thousand martyrs have been sacrificed in just 50 days. He considered that attempts to mislead the media no longer fool the people, after the truth of the Palestinians ' exposure to a genocidal war and crimes against humanity was revealed to them, calling for subjecting all those whose involvement in committing these crimes is proved to accountability before international justice. He also urged to show courage and boldness, as Tunisia has always done in all its positions on the Just Cause of the Palestinian people, considering that the two-state solut ion has become an empty slogan now that the occupying entity no longer mentions but seeks to abort it systematically. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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