Eight dead and 4 injured in serious road accident between Kebili and GabesEthiopia Good Example in Africa on Tree Planting, Says UNEP Executive Director

Eight people were killed and four injured, one seriously, in a road accident in the Gharib region between the governorates of Kebili and Gabes. Local civil protection sources told TAP that the accident involved a collision between a shared taxi (louage) travelling to Gabes and a heavy lorry carrying cleaning materials. Seven of the louage's passengers were killed, along with an African national who was walking on the side of the road. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse Addis Ababa: Ethiopia is a good example in Africa where big push forward has been seen on tree planting, UN Environment Programme (UNEP) Executive Director Inger Andersen said. The UNEP Executive Director, who participated at the 37th Ordinary Summit of AU, told ENA that Ethiopia has been planting billions of trees that will fix the soil and create greater nutrients in it as a crucial and pragmatic response to mitigate the climate catastrophe in the country and beyond. The Green Legacy Initiative (GLI) being implemented in Ethiopia was launched by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed in June 2019, and has so far planted over 32.5 billion tree seedlings. So, Andersen stated that if 'we take, for example Ethiopia where a big push forward has been on tree planting. This is very interesting. It'll fix the soil and create greater nutrients in the soil. It'll also prevent landslides and get greater water absorption.' According to Andersen, these kinds of environmental programs and projects are good not only for the local but also for the global economy. And 'we're very pleased to see those kinds of initiatives here in Ethiopia.' She further stated that major crises have been occurring as a result of climate change, particularly hard hitting on Africa. 'Due to climate change, we are witnessing major losses on our agricultural lands and we are seeing desertification. Now these crises are particularly hard hitting on Africa. Africa did very little to cause climate change. But Africa is suffering big time,' the executive director noted. Andersen further revealed that the United Nations is supporting Ethiopia as well as the entire continent with investments with smart policy shifts. The UN is firm about the imperative of climate justice and the imperative of climate finance, the executive director underscored. She also mentioned the recent loss and damage Fund with 800 million USD, which she believes is not enough. The executive director stressed that 'we need to see billions.' Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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