Eco-Construction and Innovation Exhibition kicks off in Tunis

The 16th eco-construction and innovation exhibition opened in Tunis on Wednesday under the theme "Ecological transition: Opportunities for the construction sector, opportunities for Tunisia". It will run until February 29, with the participation of nearly 35 exhibitors and professionals, including architects, engineers, contractors, real estate developers, craftsmen and industrialists. Organised by Invest Consulting N.A. at the headquarters of the Tunisian Confederation of Industry, Trade and Handicrafts (UTICA), the exhibition offers "innovative and concrete solutions for eco-construction and eco-management of buildings and habitats", enabling visitors to learn about various aspects of sustainable construction, particularly with the use of new local ecological products. "Certain legislative texts relating to thermal regulations in offices, residences and buildings belonging to the ministries of health and tourism have been revised," Sondes Béji Karim, head of unit at the General Directorate of Civil Engin eering (DGBC) at the Ministry of Public Works, told TAP. She said changes have been made to the laws on energy efficiency and the use of ecological materials. For his part, the Director of Technology Transfer and Innovation at the International Centre for Environmental Technologies (CITET), Fadhel Mhiri, noted that the centre has set up a network of experts in eco-construction, adding that it has also developed a project in partnership with Italy to produce construction materials from food and plant waste. Meanwhile, director of the National School of Architecture and Urbanism of Tunis (ENAU), Fakher Kharrat, said that participation in this exhibition aims to encourage citizens to opt for ecological housing, calling for a revision of current legislation to promote an ecological approach in the construction sector. He lamented the low take-up of eco-friendly building materials by Tunisians due to fears about using new products and their cost. Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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