Earthquake in Morocco: Taboubi expresses solidarity of Tunisian trade unionists and workers with Moroccan people

Secretary General of the Tunisian General Labour Union (UGTT) Nourredine Taboubi on Sunday morning paid a visit to the headquarters of the Moroccan Labour Union in Casablanca (Morocco), where he was received by Secretary General of the Moroccan Labour Union (UMT) Miloudi Moukharik and members of its executive board. Taboubi expressed on the occasion, the full solidarity of the UGTT, workers, trade unionists and the Tunisian people with the Moroccan people, following the earthquake which had hit several regions of Morocco last Friday, killing and injuring scores of people, according to an UGTT press release. Moukharik welcomed Taboubi's initiative to visit Morocco in solidarity with the brotherly Moroccan people, recalling the long-standing ties binding the two organisations and the two peoples, as well as the participation of both organisations in the struggle against colonialism and the sacrifices made for independence. The two trade unionists recalled the long-standing bonds between the two workers' organisations and ways to further foster them. Taboubi visited on the occasion, the UMT museum at the organisation's headquarters, which includes a pavilion dedicated to trade union leader Farhat Hached, according to the same source.

Source: Agence Tunis Afrique Presse

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