Deputy PM & FM Calls on Addis Ababa City Administration to Intensify Dev’t Projects

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen urged Addis Ababa city administration to strengthen development projects that would improve the livelihood of the inhabitants and sustain its historical legacy in the world diplomatic center.

A panel discussion organized by the Ethiopian News Agency jointly with the Ethiopian Diaspora Service and Ovid Investment Group was held today under the theme: "Addis Ababa is in A New Diplomatic Height."

The event has brought together government officials, city mayors, senior diplomats, historians, media managers, and other stakeholders.

In his keynote address to the panel discussion and on behalf of Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Demeke Mekonnen, Ambassador Eshet Tilahun said that successive generations of Addis Ababa city leaders have made a wise diplomatic struggle to make the capital the center of diplomacy of Africa and the world.

Their leadership role alongside leaders of the country was imperative in order to bring continental and international organizations in Addis Ababa like the African Union (AU) and UN Economic Commission to Africa (UNECA), he pointed out.

Furthermore, Addis Ababa has also named several venues and squares in the capital with African countries and achieved other significant improvements for the image of the city.

Eshet also lauded the ongoing development initiatives in the capital adding that a number of works have been carried out on people-oriented development projects to make Addis Ababa a home for all citizens.

“A number of works have been carried out focusing on people-oriented developments to make Addis Ababa a home for all citizens. Many development works have been made and are being done in the capital to make it more attractive, without leaving its base and fame as it is the third diplomatic capital of the world.”

Sheger Park, Unity Park, Etoto Park, and other mega projects that have recently been completed in the city will have a lot of contribution in terms of increasing our city's efforts, he noted.

However, the city needs to implement more projects that deserve the changing world of the 21st century diplomatic outlook.

According to him, Addis Ababa still needs more development so as to strengthen conference tourism to attract massive global meetings.

Deacon Daniel Kibret, Prime Minister's Social Affairs Advisor with the Rank of Minister said on his part that Addis Ababa as well as other cities in the country should pursue a better way by taking their potential into account.

Since Addis Ababa is the capital of all Ethiopians as well as the seat of the African and international diplomatic community, it is necessary to make it comfortable for all residents.

“For instance, once a year the African Union summit is held here. All these have an impact on the image of Addis Ababa. But it is necessary to think whether it is compatible with international standards to be a diplomatic hub. Therefore, it should be comfortable for Ethiopians who say Addis Ababa is our capital city, Africans who say Addis Ababa is our diplomatic centre, and the international community considers one of the world’s diplomatic destinations.”

Chief Executive Officer of the Ethiopian News Agency, Seife Deribe said that creating national consensus and building a national image are the primary tasks given by the proclamation to the agency.

As a result, he stated the Ethiopian News Agency is doing an effective job by providing access to news and information to the diplomatic and the international communities in various international languages.

The CEO further pledged the agency will reinforce its efforts in creating national consensus by setting up consultation forums that could enable it to achieve the national mission.

“The purpose of this panel discussion is for us to have a consultation on the idea for Addis Ababa, which is the third diplomatic city in the world, to continue strengthening its global activities in a manner that confirms its African presence and safeguards Ethiopia's national identity”

This theme exactly fits the core mission of the Ethiopian News Agency, he indicated.

Source: Ethiopian News Agency

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